full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Marian Bantjes: Intricate beauty by design

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I'm also itteenersd in working with unusual materials and common materials in unusual ways. So this requires fginiurg out how to get the most out of something's innate properties and also how to bend it to my will. So ultimately, my goal is to ceatre something uenctexped. To this end, I have worked in sguar for Stefan Sagmeister, three-time TED speaker. And this project began essentially on my kitchen table. I've been enaitg cereal for breakfast all of my life. And for that same amount of time, I've been spilling sugar on the table and just kind of playing with it with my fingers. And eventually I used this technique to create a piece of artwork. And then I used it again to create six pieces for Stefan's book, "Things in My Life I've lernead So Far." And these were creetad without sketches, just freehand, by putting the sugar down on a white surface and then manipulating it to get the words and designs out of it. Recently, I've also made some rather highbrow baroque borders out of lowbrow pasta. And this is for a chapter that I'm doing in a book, and the ctephar is on hoonr. So it's a little bit unexpected, but, in a way, it refers to the mrnoacai art that children make for their parents or they make in scoohl and give to their petrans, which is in itself a form of honor. This is what you can do with some household tinfoil. Okay, well, it's what I can do with some household tinfoil.

Open Cloze

I'm also __________ in working with unusual materials and common materials in unusual ways. So this requires ________ out how to get the most out of something's innate properties and also how to bend it to my will. So ultimately, my goal is to ______ something __________. To this end, I have worked in _____ for Stefan Sagmeister, three-time TED speaker. And this project began essentially on my kitchen table. I've been ______ cereal for breakfast all of my life. And for that same amount of time, I've been spilling sugar on the table and just kind of playing with it with my fingers. And eventually I used this technique to create a piece of artwork. And then I used it again to create six pieces for Stefan's book, "Things in My Life I've _______ So Far." And these were _______ without sketches, just freehand, by putting the sugar down on a white surface and then manipulating it to get the words and designs out of it. Recently, I've also made some rather highbrow baroque borders out of lowbrow pasta. And this is for a chapter that I'm doing in a book, and the _______ is on _____. So it's a little bit unexpected, but, in a way, it refers to the ________ art that children make for their parents or they make in ______ and give to their _______, which is in itself a form of honor. This is what you can do with some household tinfoil. Okay, well, it's what I can do with some household tinfoil.


  1. parents
  2. learned
  3. macaroni
  4. unexpected
  5. school
  6. eating
  7. honor
  8. sugar
  9. created
  10. chapter
  11. interested
  12. figuring
  13. create

Original Text

I'm also interested in working with unusual materials and common materials in unusual ways. So this requires figuring out how to get the most out of something's innate properties and also how to bend it to my will. So ultimately, my goal is to create something unexpected. To this end, I have worked in sugar for Stefan Sagmeister, three-time TED speaker. And this project began essentially on my kitchen table. I've been eating cereal for breakfast all of my life. And for that same amount of time, I've been spilling sugar on the table and just kind of playing with it with my fingers. And eventually I used this technique to create a piece of artwork. And then I used it again to create six pieces for Stefan's book, "Things in My Life I've Learned So Far." And these were created without sketches, just freehand, by putting the sugar down on a white surface and then manipulating it to get the words and designs out of it. Recently, I've also made some rather highbrow baroque borders out of lowbrow pasta. And this is for a chapter that I'm doing in a book, and the chapter is on honor. So it's a little bit unexpected, but, in a way, it refers to the macaroni art that children make for their parents or they make in school and give to their parents, which is in itself a form of honor. This is what you can do with some household tinfoil. Okay, well, it's what I can do with some household tinfoil.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
visual work 3
graphic design 2
requires figuring 2
household tinfoil 2
mailing list 2
wanted people 2
passing time 2

Important Words

  1. amount
  2. art
  3. artwork
  4. baroque
  5. began
  6. bend
  7. bit
  8. book
  9. borders
  10. breakfast
  11. cereal
  12. chapter
  13. children
  14. common
  15. create
  16. created
  17. designs
  18. eating
  19. essentially
  20. eventually
  21. figuring
  22. fingers
  23. form
  24. freehand
  25. give
  26. goal
  27. highbrow
  28. honor
  29. household
  30. innate
  31. interested
  32. kind
  33. kitchen
  34. learned
  35. life
  36. lowbrow
  37. macaroni
  38. manipulating
  39. materials
  40. parents
  41. pasta
  42. piece
  43. pieces
  44. playing
  45. project
  46. properties
  47. putting
  48. refers
  49. requires
  50. sagmeister
  51. school
  52. sketches
  53. speaker
  54. spilling
  55. stefan
  56. sugar
  57. surface
  58. table
  59. technique
  60. ted
  61. time
  62. tinfoil
  63. ultimately
  64. unexpected
  65. unusual
  66. ways
  67. white
  68. words
  69. worked
  70. working